Wednesday, September 1, 2010

commercial real estate investing in canada in Shadow hills

commercial real estate investing in canada in Shadow hills

Myth number 1: The more impresions, the beter ? First, imenitye company with a long history and so have no shortage of wiling them to work, therefore, ofer brokers a fairly low percentage of comision agency. , their chalenge - to find a buyer or lese for the finished space. For example, acording to the code, the broker has no right to give you incorect information, he is obliged to protect your interests and provide you with al information on the transactions. That is, if the broker makes a wrong step, it is always corect, wil help the Council and, if necesary, transfer the customer to another specialist. At the same time, the private broker - his own bos. He choses what information and voice as silence, which contract clauses to draw your atention, and what - to turn a blind eye. In other words, use the services of private brokers - the same as changing curency outside exchanger: the best rate, but no guarantes. Not only that, this in itself gives questionable advertising, so more likely is that each agency wil try a litle «glosed» characteristics of the object, and as a result of the five ads wil give contradictory information. In other words, refering to one agency, you are not at al does not diminish their chances of quickly and sel objects, and the main thing - you save it the facility reputation. Another negative working with several agencies - not with one of nih.vy can not conclude an exclusive contract. But only an exclusive contract with the company, the broker wil give you the most advantageous plan for moving your site and the best conditions of the transaction. «Agencies huge database, so the broker is not working on specific criteria quickly find a suitable place .» Unfortunately, such statements have to hear quite often. Someone is, you ned a certain thicknes of the wals and ceiling height, someone - large display cases without denying their tres, someone - the posibility of redevelopment . Yes, and the owner often has its� own vision of the potential lese: some are unwiling to «sit» state structures, others do not want the ofice was a large flow of visitors, stil categoricaly against auditing firms . However, in reality, at the end only the first stage - search - and begins the most dificult - to bring a deal before signing the contract. Another reason why the parties can not reach a comon denominator - the desire of the owner of the premises set in the contract of any special conditions. For example, the landlord can set high fines for smoking in the ofice, taking over the teritory of a busines center pets . Craftsmanship broker is the ability to circumvent the acute angles, find the necesary compromises to bring the deal before signing the contract and help his client to conclude it in the most favorable terms. And finaly: Many believe that life is a broker - a paradise in which money is literaly faling from the sky. The broker can work for months over the same transaction, and on the day of signing a treaty She sorvetsya. Information provided by «United Realty Group» consulting, brokerage services, leases, buying and seling comercial real estate, legal suport transactions . commercial real estate investing in canada commercial real estate investing in canada in Shadow hills

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