Wednesday, September 7, 2011

tom parker bowles bbc2::Other favourites include the belair in beverly hills, where i have stayed a few times; and amankila resort in bali, where sara and i stayed on our honeymoon-tom parker bowles bbc2

tom parker bowles bbc2::Other favourites include the belair in beverly hills, where i have stayed a few times; and amankila resort in bali, where sara and i stayed on our honeymoon.
What do you need for a perfect holiday?
My wife and my daughter, lola.
I also like good food, a comfortable bed, good weather and being close to the sea as i enjoy swimming.
What do you always take with you?
A bottle of tabasco, especially on longhaul flights.
Airline food is incredibly bland.
You need something to spice it up.
Where do you want to go next?
I do a fair amount of travel each year and have never visited either country.
Which was your worst holiday?
About 16 years ago, i went on holiday with my parents to sintra in portugal.
We stayed in a lovely villa, but it was cold and damp throughout our stay and there was no heating to take the chill off.
To make matters worse, the cook we had hired got on to the newspapers and informed them that my mother was staying at the villa.
We ended up with the paparazzi camped on our doorstep, which completely ruined the holiday.
And your worst experience on holiday?
When i was 18, i went to india and was stupid enough to drink the tap water.
I ended up with dysentery.
I travel as light as possible and usually pack in less than a minute.
What do you avoid on holiday?
Restaurants that serve bad versions of english food.
Sara and i like to get away from the tourist hot spots and find a nice quiet restaurant off the beaten track.
When i was on my gap year, i stayed in some grotty hostels with bedbugs, cockroaches and blood on the sheets.
Today, i am fortunate in staying at some fantastic hotels, although i try to avoid business ones, which are generally bland, impersonal and overpriced.
What do you hate about holidays?
The way airline passengers are treated like cattle in british airports and the rudeness of airport officials.
You can arrive in a small airport in another country and get through quickly and in a more civilised manner.

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