Wednesday, September 7, 2011

tom parker bowles bbc2::Quick to the pub-tom parker bowles bbc2

tom parker bowles bbc2::Quick to the pub!
Via happy bank holiday weekend everyone, think it might be about time for the pub if we are brave enough to face the rain!
Via fancy a look at our all new yaris tv advert before it premieres in the uk tonight?
A pigeon just flew in the edit suite via retweeted by the guys are currently out in dubai filming for virgin with a range of tapeless toys 5d, f3 and gopro.
Looking forward to the results!
Via retweeted by we had tom parker bowles and the lovely cleo rocos in the studio today recording vo for their new cookery show.
Retweeted by a few of us are at get in touch if you are around and want to talk production!

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