Wednesday, September 7, 2011

tom parker bowles drugs::The 24yearold film publicist and son of camilla parker bowles received the call while on a business trip to cannes in france-tom parker bowles drugs

tom parker bowles drugs::The 24yearold film publicist and son of camilla parker bowles received the call while on a business trip to cannes in france.
He summoned his sons to highgrove for a frank facetoface discussion on the sensitive issue of drugs.
There are reports that william has had a cigarette or two but there is no suggestion that the princes have been involved with drugs.
And tom parker bowles has reassured prince charles that he has never taken drugs in front of the princes.
However his mother is believed to be deeply saddened by the reports four years after her son was cautioned for possession of cannabis and ecstasy.
Undercover journalists reportedly overheard the conversation at a pavement cafe on friday.

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