Wednesday, September 7, 2011

tom parker bowles bbc2::Tom parker bowles meets the culinary genius put aside, if you will for a moment, all thoughts of the traditional christmas feast-tom parker bowles bbc2

tom parker bowles bbc2::Tom parker bowles meets the culinary genius put aside, if you will for a moment, all thoughts of the traditional christmas feast.
Instead of the usual dreary turkey, there are crackers made from perfectly rendered?
The christmas decorations are edible; spun sugar filled with smokedsalmon mousse.
And fires crackle merrily on a 50in plasma screen, surrounded by a snowcovered set created by the blade runner designer.
The spicedapple sorbet is eaten hot, while the mulled wine manages to be both chilled and warming at the same time.
The reins were really off.
These last words might qualify as the understatement of his career.
Blumenthal is not like most top chefs.
And despite a fiercely shorn head, the physique of a middleweight boxer and harsh, industrial steelrimmed glasses, his eyes and manner are as soft and appealing as his famous roast foie gras.
Over the years he created the most amazing interior, with a vast roaring fire, old leather chairs and wood panelling.
So i got a perfumer i use in paris to create that exact smell of leather and fire.
My old man used to buy too big a turkey.
Then there were the endless sandwiches?
Nowadays i cook goose or a rib of beef, with some truffle sneaked in.
The guests were speechless.
Just one hour with the man and this scrooge felt like an overexcited nipper.
And ready, once more, to embrace the christmas feast?
Albeit in rather less exciting a guise.

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