Wednesday, September 7, 2011

tom parker bowles cocaine::Now, however, we learn that gardner merchant have turned over a new leaf-tom parker bowles cocaine

tom parker bowles cocaine::Now, however, we learn that gardner merchant have turned over a new leaf.
Gone are the days of job cutting, wagesqueezing and refusals to recognise unions.
Today, in fact, they are to be found at tuc congress house advising the canteen on how best to deliver a costeffective service to customer and comrade alike.
How easy it is to forget, in this cynical climate, how truly far we have come.
Downsizing, sadly, is also the order of the day at millbank tower.
Quite how far he got with his cuttings scrap book we may never know.
Even in the midst of busy election campaigns in this case the welsh assembly election labour mp john smith likes to send birthday greetings to the young adults of his constituency.
Also keen to display his understanding of young adults and an unsightly sycophancy in equal measure is david frost.
Not since the natural law party proposed sending a squadron of yogic flyers over dubrovnik last month has bravery come so close to foolhardiness.

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