Wednesday, September 7, 2011

hallo poster

tom parker alabama supreme court::Productivity and case backlogs have emerged as key issues in two republican primaries for the alabama supreme court.
At least one challenger, james houts, has attacked the incumbent in his race in unusually blunt terms.
These are real cases with real people.
We need judges who can be independent and fair.
The nextslowest justice, at 362 days, was glenn murdock.
This month, statistics released by the clerk of the court showed that parker had 43 cases before him awaiting an original decision.
They had been pending for an average of 382 days.
Only about 37 percent had been pending for fewer than 290 days, the goal set by the court.
The same rankings that placed parker at the bottom of the pack in september indicated that bolin had cases awaiting original opinions for an average of 259 days, seventh among the justices.
Bolin, who seeks a second sixyear term on the court, said he inherited a substantial backlog and has toiled to whittle it down.
Those had been on his docket an average of 94 days, ranking third among the nine justices.
He said parker already had fallen behind his colleagues when he decided to take on thenchief justice drayton nabers in the gop primary in 2006.

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