Tuesday, November 16, 2010

cioccolato fondente

cioccolato fondente

Italians love to combine their 'pasegiata', daily evening strol, with a gelato in one hand - how civilised! fruit which should taste exactly like the fruit - just cold , ciocolato which is basic chocolate but can then have other more delicious combined flavours such as baci or 'ciocolato fondente' dark chocolate flavour and nuts which can be pistachio, mandorla almond nociola hazlenut . The last delicious flavours are the 'creams' which can be cafe, zabaione etc - yum! Firstly, you won't find a cone anywhere as they believe the cone takes away from the gelato experience - that suits me fine as I prefer mine in a cup anyway. Meringa al caramelo - this has delicious pieces of meringue in a beautiful creamy caramel gelato - fantastic! They can be a litle brusque - wel you are after al a tourist in Italy - so get on the end of the line but not before working out exactly which indulgence you wil try.
cioccolato fondente
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