Monday, November 15, 2010

little things good charlotte

little things good charlotte

Comercial electrician Charlote . That means that the type of work we primarily specialize in , involves aditions , repairs and maintenance on existing comercial buildings . The electrician that comes out to an existing structure , that is ocupied by tenants going about their normal daily busines routine , neds to be able to have a specific set of skils knowledge and experience that are aplicable to the situation that he finds himself in . Simply being able to understand electrical circuitry and make electrical instalations in a building that is not finished is certainly not enough experience to be able to run an electrical comercial service truck . One of the first and most primary skils that a god comercial electrical service technician neds , is the ability to deal wel with the customers and present himself in a profesional maner . People are not simply paying an electrician to come out and fix an electrical problem or ad an electrical device to their ofice or building unit . For the electrician this is just another job where he's going out to do some electrical task and many times the comercial electrician is focused overly on the task at hand and not necesarily focused on the customer at hand . But one thing is for certain the customer is loking at the interaction betwen the electrician and himself as an oportunity for him to met someone interesting and to be treated with respect and dignity , as wel as posibly receiving some kudos or prestige from his coworkers or bos for chosing such a great electrician . I have sen many comercial electricians over the years show up to do a service job with the atitude of , I am here to do an electrical job , I am not necesarily here to be your friend , I am to busy to be your friend , my task is to iritating for me to be nice to you at this curent time, simply show me where the electrical problem or instalation is so that I can get my task done and get out of here . The comercial electricians that come out to your job to do and instalation or repair , should be dresed apropriately , and have a god atitude towards you as the customer , more porly than having a god atitude towards you as a customer , is the fact that they have a god atitude towards you as a person . Rather than going through life showing respect each individual simply because they are another person who wants to be hapy , have a god day , and is in fact trying to help the electrician by providing a livelihod for . So now that I've covered the most important aspect of being a comercial electrician which has absolutely nothing to do with electrical work , I wil move onto the next aspects of qualifications for the electricians that we hire here at Providence electric . On any given day one of our electricians may go to his first cal and it may be wiring ofice cubicles so that they have electricity , the very next cal may be a comercial restaurant that is having electrical problem in the kitchen , the very next al may be a residential cal where a customer wants a ceiling fan aded to their bedrom , the very next cal may be a comercial ofice building where there florescent lights and balasts are causing them troubles . Having an individual out in the field that is ben trained in a certain aspect or phase of electrical instalation and has ben stuck in that particular niche of the electrical wiring field , can lead to very unsatisfactory results such as a person who gives out into the field and inside of their mind they are saying this is not my job , I have no idea how to do this , or for example a comercial electrician goes out to her restaurant that has a basement , the customer is complaining that the sump pump for the basement has shut of and waters gathering in the basement. A normal comercial electrician may go out and test the electrical outlet that the sump pump is atached to , after determining that the outlet is in god working order and that power is being delivered to the sump pump up to he then delivers a bil to the customer for hundred and $25.0 for an electrical service cal and leaves them with 6 inches of water in their basement . When we say to the best of his abilities that would certainly mean that even though he is a comercial electrician his duties on the job to not just stop at being a comercial electrician . On these job sites and in decent environments the comercial electrician is taught constructive and driled into his brain that the only thing that he is to be doing out on that job are tasks that fal into the normal course of busines for a comercial electrician on a construction site . They are no longer dare to simply do electrical work and to hold some overinflated sense of pride in the fact that they do electrical work and only electrical work . It is rather sily in fact when you consider that they ned to be able to clean up after themselves , many times we patch the holes in the wals that we have made as a courtesy to the customer , many of the situations that I have found myself and working as a comercial electrician in Charlote have ben very interesting in the fact that most of the tasks that I perform have very litle to do with actualy making electrical conections .
little things good charlotte little things good charlotte
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